Veterinario El Puerto de Santa María: 956875612

Traumatology and orthopedics

Traumatology and veterinary orthopedics are responsible for the study of alterations of the locomotor system, whether they are of traumatic origins or due to anomalies in the conformation of the musculoskeletal system.

These types of alterations can often cause pain and lameness to our companion animals. This is why at the La Arboleda Veterinary Hospital in El Puerto de Santa Maria, we have a digital diagnosis system that, with a detailed trauma examination, allows us to perform an early diagnosis and apply the best treatment in each individual case. This guarantees an early and satisfactory recovery.

Many of these pathologies respond to medical treatment, but others require surgical treatment to solve them. For this, we have a specialized technical and human team with the most advanced means which allows us to develop the most innovative techniques in the field.

Hip and elbow dysplasias, osteochondritis, torn ligaments, patella luxation, intervertebral disc disease, and fractures are some of the most common orthopedic and traumatic pathologies.

Many of these are directly related to age, so periodic check-ups, especially of geriatric animals, are very important for the early detection of some of them.

We are specialized in the early detection of orthopedic alterations, which are very important for early diagnose, since treatment before any symptoms appear, on many occasions, is decisive to avoid possible complications in the adult animal.

Our physiotherapy and rehabilitation services will determine the appropriate protocol for each patient to optimize post-surgical recovery.

La Arboleda Veterinary Hospital is certified by AVEPA (Spanish Association of  Veterinarians Specialists in Small Animals) for official radiographic studies of hip and elbow dysplasia.


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Trumatology specific equipment: