Exotic animals

Exotic companion animals or NCA (New Companion Animals) are here and have come to stay. to Sharing our homes with these special animals is becoming more frequent. Due to their great diversity and particularities, it’s necessary to provide them with highly specialized care and extensive knowledge of their environmental needs and pathologies.
Exotic animals are special and present peculiarities that differ from the rest of the pets we are used to. For this reason, a specialized veterinary hospital for exotic animals in El Puerto de Santa Maria is the best option, since species that are apparently very similar, may have different needs in terms of handling, maintenance and feeding.
Many of the pathologies that exotic pets present are related to anomalies in their handling and feeding. This is why prior advice and periodic check-ups are very important.
We must be aware that NOT all exotic species or wild autochthonous species can live at home. At La Arboleda Veterinary Hospital, we will help you identify them and guide you in case of wild-found or unknown species.
We work with all kinds of exotic animals:
BIRDS: from small passerines (canaries, Gold diamonds, etc.) to large parrots (macaws etc.), passing through columbiforms (pigeons, turtle doves, etc.), gallinaceous and ducks (hens, ducks,), raptors, among others.
REPTILES: chelonians of all kinds (land and aquatic turtles), lizards (bearded dragons, geckos, chameleons, iguanas, monitor lizards, etc.), snakes.
MAMMALS: rodents (mice, rats, hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, degus, gerbils, etc.), rabbits, ferrets, hedgehogs, meerkats, skunks, etc.
AND MUCH MORE: Don’t hesitate to contact us for any kind of advice.