Veterinario El Puerto de Santa María: 956875612


Veterinary oncology is responsible for the diagnosis and treatment of neoplastic processes; better known as tumors or cancer.

The increase in life expectancy in domestic animals thanks to a better diet, preventive medicine and better care in general, makes the diagnosis of tumors more frequent than a few years ago. Recent studies estimate that 25% of dogs and more than 30% of cats suffer from some type of tumor throughout their lives.

These percentages increase considerably in geriatric animals and are one of the main causes of death in companion animals.

This is why, it’s common to see these types of patients in veterinary clinics. Fortunately, diagnostic methods and therapeutic guidelines have evolved enormously in recent years, which allows us to diagnose more cases and on early stages, establishing better treatments that can at least improve the quality of life of our most affected patients.

At La Arboleda Veterinary Hospital, we have multiple diagnostic and surgical solutions to help your pet any way we can. We will be at the owner’s disposition to explain and guide them throughout the entire process.

Oncology specific equipment


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