This is one of the specialties that brings more patients to our veterinary consultations in El Puerto de Santa Maria.
Skin problems in our pets are many and of very diverse origins:
Otitis, bacterial or fungal infections, allergies, hair loss, itching, parasitosis among others, are the cause of most daily consultations, and their early diagnosis is of vital importance for its control and a recovery in the shortest time possible.

Certain endocrine or allergic diseases are chronic processes that have no definitive cure; but a diagnosis made on time, and an adequate treatment, allows our patients to have a good quality of life without symptoms or with them reduced to a minimum.
In order to do this, our veterinarians will carry out a complete profile of each patient, stipulating a specific protocol for each pet.
The species, breed, diet, habitat, endocrine system, immune system, genetics, etc… are components that influence the skin health of our pets. So, preventive medicine is also of vital importance in veterinary dermatology.
At La Arboleda Veterinary Hospital, we have specialized staff and state-of-the-art technical resources that allow us to diagnose and treat all these pathologies, contributing to the welfare of companion animals