Veterinario El Puerto de Santa María: 956875612


Cardiovascular disorders in our small companion animals are presented on a daily basis in our veterinary consultation. In our Veterinary Clinic in El Puerto de Santa Maria, we are specialists in this type of conditions. The clinical history and examination of your animal, in addition to complementary examinations, help us in identifying the causes of heart disease.

Some clinical signs indicate the beginning of cardiac alterations, such as exercise intolerance, weight loss, cough, dyspnea or syncope. All cardiac study techniques are complementary, but the most important one is echocardiography.

Some heart conditions can be present at birth while others are developed over time. So, the diagnosis of congenital and acquired cardiac pathologies, as well as the planning of any treatment for every individual, marks the veterinary cardiology’s specialties.

Cardiac auscultation plays an important role in analyzing heart sounds and detecting murmurs. This way we can evaluate normal or abnormal heart sounds in animals. Another tool to use in cardiac studies is the digital radiography, with which we can evaluate the heart’s size, as well as the vascular and pulmonary pattern. The Electrocardiogram allows us to study the frequency and detect possible arrhythmias. Echocardiography is the most important technique in heart disease studies. High-frequency ultrasound waves allow us to obtain information on the morphology of the four cardiac chambers, wall thickness, myocardial movements, heart valves, blood flow within the heart, and the detection of the presence of tumors. Blood pressure measurement assesses cardiac output and helps us detect hypotension or hypertension in our pets.

Specific cardiology equipment


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